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Begin attracting qualified leads to your website by securing a top position in search results. Appear above organic results and even surpass Google map results, driving immediate client appointments.

PPC / Google Ads for Business 

Why Choose Washington Digital Media as Your Agency?

In a competitive industry like business, staying ahead means seizing every opportunity. With Google Ads, your enterprise can start acquiring leads in a matter of days, not weeks or months.

Navigating the intricacies of advertising isn't typically in a business owner's wheelhouse. Managing campaigns solo might lead to overlooking advanced bid tactics and neglecting best practices in campaign structuring.

These oversights translate into unnecessary ad expenditures and lackluster results, something you undoubtedly want to avoid.

At Washington Digital Media, our PPC specialists ensure your advertising budget yields maximum value. We present optimal ads to the most suitable audience precisely when they're most receptive, giving your campaigns the edge they deserve.

Ads Your Audience Will Be Eager to Click

Device Optimization

The majority of us are always on our phones! Surprisingly, most businesses aren’t optimized for mobile use. Be the one that stands out. Your best lead may be googling during their commute to work or while having their lunch. Put your best foot forward across all devices with optimized ads and pages.

PPC Campaign Strategy

We'll manage the intricate aspects of campaign building, covering setup, optimization, monitoring, creatives, budgeting, and reporting. PPC campaigns ensure that your link gets clicked, your forms get filled, and your bookings get scheduled.

Offer Creation

Appear in your prospects' most relevant searches. Their search terms reflect where they are in the buying stage. Are they still exploring options in the area, or are they actively seeking pricing information? Discover the keywords that will yield the most conversions and optimize your ranking for them.

High-Converting Copy

Without effective copy, your ads go stale. Capture your prospect's interest by speaking their language. Craft a message that grabs both their attention and emotions. While Google places you at the top, it's your words that guide your prospects to click.

Landing Page Creation

Guide your prospects further down the sales funnel with a dedicated landing page. Leveraging the same high-converting copywriting, your landing page will transform one-time visitors into paying clients.

About Google Ads

$ 1,500

average ad spend

46 %

clicks go to top 3 ads

80 %

increase brand awareness

Our Approach

At Washington Digital Media, every decision is made with purpose and strategy in mind. We don’t just launch campaigns; we sculpt them for optimal performance.

Big-Picture Thinking

Your business deserves more than just generic ads. We align our PPC campaigns with your overarching objectives. Understanding that different goals require unique strategies, we'll guide you in refining your aims, ensuring maximum returns and sustainable growth with Washington Digital Media.

Result-Focused Campaigns

Every business is unique, and so is its audience. We shun the one-size-fits-all approach. Instead of getting bogged down by minute costs and efficiencies, we keep our eyes on the prize: tangible results that benefit your business in the long run at Washington Digital Media.

Adapt and Optimize

The digital ad space is dynamic, demanding agility and constant evolution. We acknowledge the agility and fast-paced nature of marketing. Each time we identify a gap to improve, we brainstorm and implement new tactics. A significant part of running our campaigns involves repetitive testing to ensure we achieve the results you need at Washington Digital Media.

Ready to Increase Your business Flow?

With Washington Digital Media’s expertise, navigating PPC becomes effortless. Experience swift, tangible results and elevate your online presence. Let’s make every click count.

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